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The Neptuno Films/Animasia/Agogo co-production Chuck Chicken (formerly known as Kung Fu Chicken) has been picked up by Nickelodeon India. The 2D-animated show about an accident-prone chicken with superpowers who fights sinister master of the dark arts known as Dr. Mingo, first debuted at the MIPCOM market in October.
Animasia?s managing director Edmund Chan noted, ?Chuck Chicken combines action with lots of comic moments, and we are all very proud both of what we have achieved together, and the fact that our hard work and faith in the project have been validated by this agreement with Nickelodeon India.?
Chuck Chicken
?We had a great reaction to the presentation of Chuck Chicken at MIPCOM last October, and the deal with Nickelodeon further confirms that the show is a very strong property,? says Cristina Brandner, Neptuno Films? managing director. ?We are extremely proud to be working with Animasia and Agogo, and delighted to once again to have a series showing on Nickelodeon India after the earlier success of Dougie in Disguise.?
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Social phobia anxiety is the fear of exposure to public scrutiny. These individuals are the opposite of extroverts who relish in the limelight of public speaking, going to parties, meeting new friends, joining groups, talking on the phone, eating in public, and/or striking up a conversation with the rich and famous at the drop of a hat. No, those with social phobia anxiety see these situations as painful because they expect to be humiliated or put under a microscope by others. A person who has this condition has a certain sense of paranoia believing that the Christmas office party can only turn out poorly. They assume that they will mispronounce a word, spill the eggnog, or get a high heel or two caught in that foreboding crack in the hardwood floor.?
The truth of the matter is that we all feel a little anxiety from time to time. Examples of this would be moving to a different city, changing jobs, or picking your future wife up for your first date.
These are normal feelings that while potentially traumatic certainly don?t qualify for social phobia anxiety.
Let?s look at four criteria for social phobia anxiety.
*You steer clear of fearful situations as much as possible or participate in them only with great discomfort.
*You recognize that your fear is greater than the situation really warrants but can?t seem to hold back the fearful thoughts.
*When thrust into a fearful social situation, your anxiety increase exponentially.
*You are paralyzed by the thought of being observed by unfamiliar people who may be evaluating you in some way.
*You have an ongoing problem with drug and alcohol use. It seems to help with your social phobia anxiety.
Next let?s?examine how these four cornerstones might look in the life of Sara.
Sara been invited to the alcoholic?s anonymous alcohol free karaoke night at a friend?s house. She is petrified about the event but figures she can reside in the shadows like she has done so many times before, and who knows maybe get a good laugh or two. Upon arriving Sara is shocked to find that the host has made a list of karaoke performers and she is number one. Her first feeling is shock but then she says to herself it is only karaoke, how bad could it be? Then her social phobia kicks in and she gets crazy nervous wondering what her friends will think and wondering whether the dress she has on is entertainment worthy. The anxiety is just too much to handle and she excuses herself from the party. Once back in the safety of her home she feels better but worries that her hasty exit may have offended someone. Sara figures maybe a 5 or 6 stiff drinks might take the edge off and help her forget about the dreadful events of the evening.
In summary, social phobia anxiety is a very real condition affecting millions of decent, hard working people. There are many different types of treatment available including cognitive behavior therapy, complementary therapies, and herbal remedies. Herbal remedies for social anxiety have started to gain popularity in recent years as a safe alternative treatment and are a treatment option worth considering.
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New state and federal regulations and guidelines addressing wellness issues have swept through school systems, rewriting health, physical education, consumer sciences and school lunch programs.
Although some say the changes are making a difference, most agree that it takes more than rules.
?We have changed constantly over the 20-plus years I?ve been here,?? Marian Boyer, food service director, said from Forest Hills High School.
?There is much more awareness among students, teachers and parents about food and nutrition.?
Selections now have less salt, more whole grains and less fat, John Smithmyer, food service director, said at Portage High School.
The number of a la carte items has been reduced drastically to encourage students to choose from the main selections.
?It is not hard to meet the requirements,? Smithmyer said. ?It is hard to get the children to make the right choices. It is not something they do at home. Just exposing them here is not enough.?
School nurses are now required to measure and weigh all students, complete a body mass index and report to parents, along with information about obesity levels and dangers. Parents of children in or near the obese range are encouraged to work with family health-care providers, said Debbie Stutzman, school nurse for Berlin-Brothersvalley School District.
But that is not enough, declared Dr. Matthew Masiello, chief wellness officer at Windber Research Institute.
?It goes far beyond sending out the notices,??Masiello said.
?You need leadership at the school level.
?We will become successful in school when the leadership ? whether it is the principal or the superintendent or someone else ? commits themselves to addressing these issues.?
School lunch menus still have too many unhealthy foods, Masiello said, adding that healthy selections are not always well presented.
?Are you going to provide healthy choices, and unhealthy choices?? he asked. ?It is a rare school where you can find a healthy meal.?
Masiello urges schools to involve parents by sending the school nurse or a hospital dietitian to parent-teacher organizations.
If school administrators and parents are concerned about grades and test scores, a student?s health is the first step.
?Exercise and nutrition are significant factors in regard to grades,? he said. ?It will improve academic success of their children. That has been proven over and over again.?
Healthy teachers make the best instructors when it comes to wellness issues, Masiello said, urging teachers to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Schools are getting the message, Portage school nurse Lisa Dividock said. But there is a lot of inertia on the unhealthy side.
?Fast food, time management and the computer age have all taken their toll,? Dividock said. ?The guidelines forced the parents and the teachers and the media to look at it.?
Many families face financial hardships when it comes to buying fresh fruits and vegetables or even getting gasoline to get to the doctor or participate in wellness programs, she added.
Dividock has seen improvements. Vending machines at Portage are are not as sugar-and-fat-filled as they once were, and they are shut off during the school day.
Treadmills, weight benches and other equipment at a new wellness center attract a significant number of students for workouts every morning, Portage Principal Ralph Cecere said.
?We are pleased with the turnout,? Cecere said.
A similar fitness center at Greater Johnstown Middle School is a big part of the success of the Trojan Afterschool Program, Principal Darren Buchko said.
About 130 students a day participate in the program, which also provides homework help; tobacco, drug and alcohol prevention; social responsibility awareness; and clubs geared to student interest. The program continues as Summer in the City after the school year, Buchko said.
?They are trying to get these kids ready,? Buchko said. ?They are already exposed to potentially dangerous and harmful habits. We deal with everything from cyber issues like social networking dangers to what you?d call the old school issues of drugs and alcohol.?
Community Action Partnership, the Girl Scouts and Greater Johnstown YMCA provide programming during the after-school and summer programs.
It provides incentive for students to be active instead of sitting at home with electronic entertainment, YMCA?fitness director Debbi Smith said.
?We are trying to get these kids to come in on the premise that moving around can be fun,? Smith said. ?We have to get the kids out and let them be kids again.?
Collaborating with organizations such as the YMCA is one way schools are finding ways to provide more wellness programs without spending more tax dollars. Many have also found grant funding that supports fitness and nutrition initiatives.
At Forest Hills School District, grants brought mountain biking and fishing programs, Superintendent Edwin Bowser said.
?We do a lot of things in lifelong learning activities,? he said.
The high school also provides daily nutrition tips as a part of morning announcements and schedules special activity-promoting events throughout the year. A Pumpkin Run in the fall, for instance, featured an outdoor obstacle course over hay bales.
A fit-athon at Richland Elementary gets students excited about moving and exercising, said Tom Smith, assistant high school principal.
At Richland High School, the weight training and fitness center attracts a cross-section of students, Principal Brandon Bailey said.
When it comes to drug and alcohol prevention, students take the lead at Richland, Bailey said.
?We are pretty proud of the program,? Bailey said. ?We have a group of high school students who do a lot of prevention, teaching the younger kids all about the evils of alcohol, tobacco and drug use. I think it?s a pretty effective program.?
Faculty members screen and train participating high school students, he explained.
At Rockwood School District, teachers are setting an example through a Rockwood Biggest Loser competition, school nurse Amanda Custer said. So far, the 25 participants have lost a combined 157 pounds.
Communication with parents through newsletters, school website postings and the media help boost wellness programs in Central Cambria School District, middle school Principal Kim McDermott said.
Recent examples include the NFL?Fuel Up to Play 60 Challenge, a 10,000-steps program using pedometers, and the Hoops for Hearts program that doubles as a fundraiser for the American Heart Association.
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By Rosa Golijan
Tumblr?has been known to struggle with an overwhelming amount of content which promotes or glorifies many forms of self-harm including ? though unfortunately not limited to???eating disorders, self-mutilation and even suicide. Now the micro-blogging service's staff has made the decision to fight this phenomenon by officially prohibiting blogs "that actively promote self-harm."?
An announcement on the official Tumblr staff blog explains that?the decision to revise the service's content policy is not being taken lightly as its staff is "deeply committed to supporting and defending [its] users? freedom of speech."?But as a company, those folks have decided that certain and specific types of content ? including spam and identity theft????"aren't welcome on Tumblr."
While Tumblr's staff is asking for input from its community regarding its policy change, the language of the relevant content policy addition appears to already be very clear. A distinction is made between content which actively promotes or glorifies self-harm and something such as an off-hand declaration that someone feels so embarrassed she could just die or similar:
Don?t post content that actively promotes or glorifies self-injury or self-harm. This includes content that urges or encourages readers to cut or mutilate themselves; embrace anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders; or commit suicide rather than, e.g., seek counseling or treatment for depression or other disorders. Online dialogue about these acts and conditions is incredibly important; this prohibition is intended to reach only those blogs that cross the line into active promotion or glorification. For example, joking that you need to starve yourself after Thanksgiving or that you wanted to kill yourself after a humiliating date is fine, but recommending techniques for self-starvation or self-mutilation is not.
In addition to implementing this new policy next week ??after a grace period which allows affected blogs to conform to the changes ? Tumblr will also?begin showing "public service announcements" whenever a user searches for keywords which are frequently associated with self-harm-promoting blogs. Such a message may look like this:
Eating disorders can cause serious health problems, and at their most severe can even be life-threatening. Please contact the [resource organization] at [helpline number] or [website].
Tumblr isn't the only service which is making changes to its policies in order to suppress content deemed inappropriate. Popular link-sharing website Reddit has recently?banned all forums ??dubbed "subreddits" ??which focused on the "sexualization of children."
Like Tumblr's staff, Reddit's moderators and administrators appeared to struggle with the decision to enact this content policy.?As explained in the post which announced the change,?the site's staff is "adamant about not limiting the ability to use the Reddit platform even when [it does] not [itself] agree with or condone a specific use."
But as's own Helen Popkin points out, Reddit ??like Tumblr ??is ?a private business and as such it is "under no burden to provide a venue for free speech" or facilitate certain types of content.
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Want more tech news, silly puns, or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts, or circling her?on?Google+.
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Join us for a fun and casual preview of the Sex and Consciousness Conference! Meet and interact with all 5 speakers (Dr. Martha Lee, Heiko and Selina Niedermeyer as well as, Deej Juventin and Uma Furman), and get a glimpse into what will be covered at the conference. You will also get to do fun exercises using breathe, touch and gaze during the preview. This party is meant for you to let your hair down, meet new people, and have a good time!
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Dr. Martha Lee
Founder of Eros Coaching, Dr. Martha Lee is the only Clinical Sexologist in Singapore who has a doctorate in human sexuality. Often cited in the local media, Dr. Lee is the appointed sex expert for Men?s Health Singapore,Men?s Health Malaysia, Durex Singapore Facebook page as well as Durex Malaysia Facebook page. She has a weekly column with and blogs for Good Vibrations Magazine. She was recognised as one of ?Top 50 Inspiring Women Under 40? by Her World in July 2010, and one of ?Top 100 Inspiring Women? by CozyCot in March 2011. For her full profile, click here.
Heiko and Selina Niedermeyer
Heiko and Selina Niedermeyer are International Releasers who have successfully facilitated individuals and groups around the world since 1999, to release emotional and mental negative programing and belief systems about themselves that cause issues in their relationships, sexuality, careers, businesses, finances, physical health and other areas of their lives.
Deej Juventin
Deej runs Sex Coaching and Therapy in Brisbane, Australia, and runs workshops throughout the region. Drawing, from somatic sex education, Tantra, Taoism and sexual shamanism, his work focuses on supporting people to overcome distractions and obstacles to access more pleasure in their lives, and to learn skills to connect more fully with their physical, emotional, and erotic selves, to the people in their lives, and to the environments that support us. Although he works with people of all genders and sexualities, he is an expert on men?s sexual health issues, and regularly facilitates at men?s events in Australia. He teaches the Certificate in Sexological Bodywork training in Australia, and is the President of the Somatic Sex Educators? Association of Australasia.
Uma Furman
Based in Australia, Uma Furman is an experienced Tantrica and a certified sexological bodyworker who works with individuals, couples, and groups. She provides training in sacred sexual practices like Tantra Taoism and sexual shamanism. She is passionate about educating people from all walks of life to experience a deeper connection with themselves, their partners and their environment. She is a faculty member on the Sexological bodywork Australian training program and a member of the Somatic Sex Educators? Association of Australasia.
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Shah Marai / AFP - Getty Images
Afghans shout anti-American slogans during a protest in Kabul on Thursday.
By NBC News, staff and news services
Updated at 9:50 a.m. ET: KABUL, Afghanistan?-- President Barack Obama has written a letter to his Afghan counterpart?apologizing for the burning of copies of the Quran at a NATO military base in the country. Two U.S. soldiers were also shot dead Thursday?at a protest about the desecration of the holy books.
A man wearing an Afghan government soldier's uniform?killed the American troops and wounded four others at the demonstration in?Nangarhar province,?officials told NBC News.
There have been violent protests daily since it emerged on Tuesday that Qurans used by detainees held at the Bagram military base had been burned. The incident has become a public relations disaster for foreign forces in Afghanistan.
A statement from President Hamid Karzai's office said the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan had delivered the letter from Obama Thursday.
Taliban to Afghans: Kill foreigners over Quran burnings
In the letter, which is quoted in the statement, the U.S. president expressed his "deep regret for the reported incident" and offered his "sincere apologies."
According to the statement, Obama wrote: "The error was inadvertent; I assure you that we will take the appropriate steps to avoid any recurrence, to include holding accountable those responsible."
Massoud Hossaini / AFP - Getty Images
Angry afghans attacked U.S. bases after reports of Quran desecration.
Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the National Security Council, told NBC News that Obama had "expressed our regret and apologies over the incident in which religious materials were unintentionally mishandled at Bagram air base."
The?Quran burnings at the vast Bagram base could make it even more difficult for U.S.-led NATO forces to win the hearts and minds of Afghans and bring the Taliban to the negotiating table ahead of the withdrawal of foreign combat troops by the end of 2014.
Muslims consider the?Quran the literal word of God and treat each book with deep reverence. Desecration is considered one of the worst forms of blasphemy.
NBC's Afghanistan correspondent discusses the Quran controversy
General John Allen, commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF),?on Tuesday?offered his "sincere apologies" for the burnings. "When we learned of these actions, we immediately intervened and stopped them," he added. "This was not intentional in any way."?
The deadly?protest in Nangarhar was one of several across the country on Thursday.
Riots triggered by the inadvertent Quran burning at a U.S. military base prompted the U.S. to lock down its embassy. NBC's Atia Abawi reports.
According to?Haji Mohammad Hassan, the deputy police of Khogayani district in Nangarhar province, American soldiers had starting firing at protesters who were attacking their base.
He said that an Afghan soldier then turned his weapon on the U.S. troops, shooting six, killing two and injuring four.
PhotoBlog:?'Death to America!' Afghan anger over Quran burning intensifies
Hassan said the Afghan soldier escaped by joining the crowd of protesters. However,?a provincial official, who asked not to be named, said the shooter had been killed after the attack.
The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack, NBC News reported.?
Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said in a text message that they infiltrated the army with one of their fighters who?had shot and killed the Americans. Mujahid claimed that their?insurgent killed 10 Americans.
More from and NBC News:
The Associated Press, Reuters, NBC News' Atia Abawi, Chuck Todd and Kristen Welker?contributed to this report.
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Some people have the ability to get very creative in the projects that they make with needle and fabric. Some families might tie their family history in with creating Family Genealogy in Art that they will use as gifts at Christmas, or for the decoration of their own homes. The family tree has been eloquently drawn in charcoal, etched in glass, and included in quilts that people place at the foot of their beds.
The Family Genealogy in Art exhibit that they create could be large enough to cover one wall, or it could be small enough to fit inside two or three shadow boxes that can be arranged in several ways on a wall. The Genealogy in Art exhibit will certainly catch the attention of visitors because the artwork will most certainly contain the name of the person that they are visiting.
For the Family Genealogy in Art exhibit, a crafty person with a needle could sew items with special memories attached to them on fine pieces of linen and present them as a present. The artwork will contain some family history because the pieces reflect a certain person, and the name and date of the person that created the artwork can be sewn into the bottom corner of the item.
Other parts of a Family Genealogy in Art exhibit could contain an organized list of every family member?s name. These organized lists could be turned into a quilt top or wall hanging with very little effort and the finished piece will serve as a genealogical family tree for many generations to come if it is cared for properly.
Some people prefer to use iron on transfers to place pictures of family members on the artwork that they are creating. Instead of stitching the family history, they prefer to display portraits that are arranged in an organized fashion that create branches of the family tree. The pictorial review will be a visual reminder of what ancestors looked like, and could help identify when a particular trait in the family became very noticeable.
The Family Genealogy in Art frames could be fashioned in heart shapes with the names of each family member and their descendants sewn into the shape. These stylish pieces of family history will serve as a record for future generations and establish a solid piece of family history that everyone can enjoy. Over time, the interest in creating works of art that cover some aspect of family history will be assumed by another family member and the tradition for tracking the family history will pass on to another generation.
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Adele accepts the best album award during the BRIT Awards 2012 held at the O2 Arena on Feb. 21 in London.
By Us Weekly
Star interrupted!
At the 2012 Brit Awards in London Tuesday, it came as no surprise when Adele took home the big awards for Best British Album and Best British Female artist.
But what did come as a shock was her indecent gesture on stage during her acceptance speech for Best British Album, when host James Cordon unexpectedly cut in to introduce the next musical performance.
Photos from Us: See Adele and other stars at the 2012 Grammy Awards
"I flung the middle finger. That was for the suits at the Brit Awards, not my fans. I'm sorry if I offended anyone but the suits offended me," the 23-year-old singer told the BBC of the instance that was live broadcast.
Video from Us: See Adele gets standing ovation after her Grammy performance
During her abbreviated speech, the British star expressed her gratitude about her success. "Nothing makes me prouder than coming home with six Grammys and then coming to the Brits and winning album of the year. I'm so proud to be British and to be flying our flag."
After Cordon, who was met with boos from the crowd, stepped in, Adele asked "Can I just say, then, goodbye and I'll see you next time round?" followed by her flipping off the cameras.
Photos from Us: See M.I.A. flip off the cameras
On Feb. 5, M.I.A. became the topic of controversy when she flipped her middle finger on live TV to over 100 million viewers worldwide during her and Madonna's Super Bowl performance.
"It's such a teenager ... irrelevant thing to do," Madonna sniped about the obscene gesture. "There was such a feeling of love and unity there. What was the point? It was just out of place."
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The interest rate you'll get on a checking account will be minuscule ? sometimes under 1 percent. But it's money that you'l have to do nothing to earn.?
Interest rates are a funny thing. While interest is always a good thing to earn, predicting the exact rate you?ll get is far from an exact science.
Skip to next paragraph Trent HammThe Simple Dollar is a blog for those of us who need both cents and sense: people fighting debt and bad spending habits while building a financially secure future and still affording a latte or two. Our busy lives are crazy enough without having to compare five hundred mutual funds ? we just want simple ways to manage our finances and save a little money.
When I first wrote?365 Ways to Live Cheap?in 2007 and early 2008, many checking accounts ? even entry-level ones ? offered interest. I myself had a checking account that received something around 1.5% interest at the time.
As the book went to press, interest rates were dropping and checking accounts were the first to really see interest rate drops. I discussed the issue with my editor and we made the decision to suggest looking for a 1% interest rate, as it had been easy to find such accounts for?years.
Today, a 1% interest rate on a checking account is a pretty good deal. They can be found, but they?re often available from local banks and are prone to change. In fact, I?d suggest that?a 0.5% interest rate on a checking account, given the current state of interest rates, is something to be happy with.
Why is that so important?
Well, let?s say you maintain an average balance of $2,000 in your checking account throughout the year. Just for keeping that account open, the bank?gives?you $10 over the course of the year. You don?t have to do anything to get that ten dollars. Just keep your account open with that average balance and you?re good.
Now, that seems like a relatively small amount, but the key thing is that?you don?t have to do anything to collect it.?If you choose a bank that offers some form of interest checking, you?ll simply get the money slowly throughout the year simply for having the account open.
Interest on a checking account is a perfect example of what I think of as ?effortless money.? It?s one of those things that, once you?ve made an initial decision or take an initial action, it continues to either earn you money or save you money in the future.
For example, if you air seal your home once, you?ll have a smaller energy bill thereafter. Set up your programmable thermostat to cause your furnace or air conditioning to shut off during your workday and at night and you?ll always spend less on energy.
The same is true for interest on an account you naturally use. It?s just money that you get without effort, and that?s the best kind of money.
That?s not to say, of course, that it?s the only factor to consider when choosing a bank. It?s one of many, like the ATM network (discussed yesterday) and other factors we?ll discuss in the next few days.
This post is part of a yearlong series called ?365 Ways to Live Cheap (Revisited),? in which I?m revisiting the entries from my book ?365 Ways to Live Cheap,? which is available?at Amazon?and at bookstores everywhere.
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For the very best in ear protection, it just as to be the ?Peltor Ear Defenders without question.
Peltor prides itself on the perfect fit followed by comfort, and you can ear people talking to you, yes you can hear low-level noise but cuts out all the 80 decibels and above noise, you need to be able to hear low-level noise, to be safe especially if you are working in a factory environment with lots of forklift trucks ready to run you down, because you did not know they were there, this is exactly how it is with all the other so called ear defenders.
Peltor?s prices are excellent and affordable to everyone, and so they should be, because this company cares about you, the end user.
I have used ear-defenders from other manufacturers, and I was unable to hear a thing, not even my bosses voice, which was the only positive thing about them.
With these ear-defenders you will hardly tell that you are wearing them.
Peltor electronic Ear Defenders:
Ear muffs, ear defenders and ear plugs, have become a legal requirement in certain areas where noise levels are over 60 decibels, but my rule of thumb is to make sure that all of my workforce are wearing them, this saves any confusion and mix ups on who should be wearing these.
These defenders are noise-and-hearing protection gadgets for anyone that works in a noisey environment, and can be suitable not just for indoor use but for outdoor use as well.
Noise pollution can come from a variety of places, tools and machinery, these include engines, propellor planes, lawn mowers, motor car and motor bike racing, air shows, a whole host of things that you don?t realise are slowly damaging your hearing.
The eardrum is very, very sensitive and should be looked after at all times, even though the eardrum, can take a few decibels of sound.
There is actually quite a wide range of high-tech devices out there on the market, to suit the individual needs, such as ear-defenders for kids, even defenders for people who love shooting, even defenders by way of ear plugs for musicians, and come in very handy if you can not sleep at night if you are being kept awake by noise pollution.
Ear Defenders For Kids:
When I was a kid, my parents would take me out but had no regard for noise pollution at all, if you are taking your kids out to an air show, then your kids need the Peltor Ear-Defenders to give them the ear protection that they deserve.
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: General Business Sales Manager
: Sprint
: Timonium
: MD
: US
: Monday, February 20, 2012 05:39:12 GMT
: Active
Sprint, is currently seeking to employ General Business Sales Manager at Monday, February 20, 2012 05:39:12 GMT. This job situated in Timonium, MD, and announced 1 hour ago.
Good news, it still active, so besure to read the job description below and go ahead hit the View/Apply button to proceed further.
General Business Sales Manager Job Descriptions/Requirements provided by Sprint. Click the ?View Complete Job Description? link at the bottom of this description to view the complete job description.
As a Sprint Sales Manager for the Business Markets Group you will focus on driving revenue producing results by managing the wireless/ wireline solutions sales?
View Complete Job Description ?
Zoom & Street View.
Zoom in to get a nearer sight of the job?s place and do a Street View, to give your self a bit of a sight of where the job is situated before going there, through 360-degree street-level visual photos. Click here to learn how.
Get Directions.
Corner by corner detailed information on how to reach where the job is situated, just one push of a button away. Here?s how :
As in Google Maps, Street View lets you explore places through 360-degree street-level imagery. In Lexxio, this feature should help you looking at the job location and check it out just before going there.
1. Zoom in
First, Zoom in, by clicking on the job location marker. This will get you to the street level zoom.
At this zoom level you will see the road/street?s name nearby the marker. This is your first hint of the job location whereabouts.
2. Drag and Drop Pegman
Drag Pegman?????to any positions at the closest road to the marker. Roads with Street View imagery will appear with a blue border.
Notice the green shade with dotted border under Pegman, it means it still finding the best possible position to land the Pegman. The shade will become solid green when it finds the right position. That?s when you release your mouse drag, and drop it. You should see the street view of the job location at that exact time.
3. Navigating In Street View
? use the wheel in the control panel in the top left corner.
? or use the left and right arrows on your keyboard
? or click and drag with your mouse.
? click on one of the white arrows overlaid on the street.
? or use the up and down arrows on your keyboard.
Tips: Use both Rotate and Walk navigation, to locate and get to closest position of the marker, as that?s where the job location is. You should also see an address at the top of the map. This address is approximate, based on latitude and longitude position provided by the job poster. It might be usefull to take a note on this address, just incase you can?t find any physical address of the job location at the apply page.
? click Exit cross on the top right corner of the Street View map.
Thassit. That?s all there is about Street View. You?re ready to get the fun begin, and enjoy a bit of a view and situation of the job location you?re about to apply to.
regis philbin last show regis philbin last show crystal cathedral sarah vowell fire in reno kelly ripa reno wildfire Once you begin shopping for an online dating site to join you will realize just how many dating sites there are! Just like everything else there are good ones and bad ones. So, keep your eye open and your wallet shut until you are sure!Here are just a few dating sites to avoid?Avoid the dating site that asks for your credit card before you can set up a free trial profile. (They will later charge your card because you didn?t cancel your free trial in a timely manner. But they didn?t tell you the cancellation had to be by mail!)Avoid the site with limited search options. This will allow you to customize and narrow your results. This will let you concentrate on the singles that fit your requirements. Many sites will not have extensive search option to mask the fact that they do not have as large of a member base as they proclaim.Avoid the site that does not show the last time a member logged in. Many sites will keep members on their site indefinitely. Why? Because the member never took the time to tell the site to cancel their membership. Most of us singles do not formally tell the site to remove us from their member roster. We just stop logging in or we let our paid membership lapse.I discovered the hard way the ?membership game? a lot of online dating sites use. When your membership expires and your profile is still up? The site will then ?reclass? your profile back to ?free trial?. Not only is your profile still visible but you will still get mail! Then one day ?
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When a person holds a party, they search for the best location to have it. If you are throwing a get together for a child, then you need to make sure the location is suitable and can keep other children entertained. Kids party places Miami is the ideal location in most parents? minds to have a celebration. The city is big and welcomes many guests.
Children have creative minds. This means that the atmosphere for the event should be fun and creative. The better the location of the celebration, the more fun a child will have.
If you are considering a place to hold a celebration for your child, consider a restaurant. Restaurants in this location are very elegant and fun to eat at. The staff at these locations are professional and there are services for birthdays and other special events. Children love to eat at a place where the food is delicious and most restaurants in this city provide good food.
Need a location with space, then why not try an amusement park. Children love open space and rides. These parks have ample rides. There are merry go rounds, swings, slides and even most children?s favorite ride-the roller coaster. This location will allow you to invite many guests for the celebration and nobody has to worry about being cramped up.
A beach is also a great spot to celebrate. It has a beautiful ocean, sand and space for children. Why not have a celebration at the beach with your child bringing their friends and swim wear?It?s a good idea.
Kids party places Miami is a good thing. People have hundreds of options when they choose this location. This city is big and also very lively. kids party places miami
Stop by our site to find out more kids party places miami
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AP - Looking weary during a third straight day of speeches and ceremony, Pope Benedict XVI led 22 new cardinals in Mass Sunday and prayed for help so that he and his aides can continue to carry out the Catholic church's worldwide mission.
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BIRMINGHAM, England (AP) ? Liu Xiang beat Dayron Robles in a resumption of their hurdling rivalry before the London Olympics, and Lerone Clarke upstaged Jamaican rival Asafa Powell in the 60-meter sprint at the Birmingham Grand Prix on Saturday.
Xiang ran the 60 hurdles in 7.41 seconds, a Chinese record. He was almost a tenth of a second ahead of Robles in their first meeting since last year's world championships.
"I still feel though that over the first two hurdles I didn't do very well and that there is work to be done there," Xiang said. "I am excited about the rest of the year now."
In South Korea in August, Robles finished first over 110 meters but was disqualified for impeding Xiang, who ended up winning a silver medal after being on course for gold. Now they are gearing up for the Olympic showdown that was denied in 2008 when Xiang limped off the starting line in Beijing and Robles took his Olympic title.
"The main task is to keep healthy and try to get in step before the Olympics," Xiang said.
Jamaica will be based in Birmingham before the Olympics, and Clarke led a Jamaican 1-2-3 sweep in the central English city by winning in 6.47 seconds.
"I knew that all I had to do was get out of the blocks and drive hard," Clarke said. "Get up and run home and it didn't matter who was out front, just focus on me."
Powell finished third in his return to indoor competition after an eight-year absence. Nesta Carter was second.
"Asafa Powell, Nesta Carter, they're all fast guys and to come here and win," Clarke said. "It's fantastic. I've never been to an Olympics so it would be a great addition to my career if I can do that now."
The home crowd was disappointed when world 5,000-meter champion Mo Farah was beaten over 2 miles by Eliud Kipchoge, finishing 0.68 seconds behind the Kenyan in second place.
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