Recently, Bengal?s quarterback, Adam ?Pacman? Jones went to the NFL Rookie Symposium to tell players what NOT to do.
Relaying a story on how he blew over $1 Million in one weekend, he gave NFL players a money management lesson that hopefully will have significant influence on them.
It?s helpful when someone can make something so crystal clear that you can avoid mistakes and shortcut success simply by reading or hearing their advice?and then taking it.
It is always my hope that my stories and comments will spark useful and profitable ideas for you, help you make good decisions and add value to your business.
When starting out in business I had virtually no hands-on help. I did not attend college.? I had no mentor to teach me. No shining example to follow. I had, mostly books.
I might add what a wonderful thing a book is.
I came to rely on ?print? for both information and motivation. I?m amazed to this day at people who barge into some endeavors without even bothering to find and read the books written about it.
As you gain real life experience, most books turn out to be 90% rehash and you may get only one or two ?gems? out of an entire book?but then, how many gems must you find?
It occurred to me that you might like to investigate further some of the sources of information that have influenced me.
So today, I?d like to give you the source of some of the most significant influences on my beliefs about entrepreneurial success that have been time and experienced tested over the past 35 years and have become permanent parts of my approach to doing business.
My first real ?coach?, on tape (that?s the thing we used to listen to audio on?before CD?s and iPods for those of you too young to remember) was Earl Nightingale. That lead me to ?Think and Grow Rich? by Napolean Hill. (Surely I do not need to tell you who Nightgale or Hill are.)
In a way, ?Think and Grow Rich? led me to James Tolleson, (called by many ?The greatest Dr. Napolean Hill Think & Grow Rich believer of all time?).
That experience led me both into the ?success information? business, the speaking business and direct-response advertising.
That?s one of a number of threads. There are others.
Among my sources that will hopefully move you further along and move you closer to accomplishing your goals are:
W. Clement Stone. He built a giant insurance organization and personal fortune out of the depths of the great Depression, rescued and for many years published ?Success Magazine?, founded and controlled the Napoleon Hill Foundation and was Napoleon Hill?s last business partner.
Stone?s the real deal: he started from scratch with nothing much more than determination and made himself a billionaire, largely from direct sales.? Stone?s book, ?The Success System that Never Fails? is, I think, one of the most interesting and useful how-to-succeed books of all that have been published.
Robert Ringer. His first book: ?Winning Through Intimidation? which is based on his exploits as a real estate wheeler-dealer, I believe had more direct, valuable influence on me than any thirty other books I?ve read combined.
This is a street-smart guy telling it like it is. Many people tell me they find the book?or at just its title without reading the book, offensive. When I hear that, I fear for their chances at survival. Success is a bare-knuckles business. Read Ringer.
Conrad Hilton. Founder of one of the world?s largest hotel organizations, if you could only read three books, I?d suggest Stone?s, Ringer?s and Conrad Hilton?s autobiography, ?Be My Guest?, found free at the bedside table at Hilton hotels.
That is a method I?ve used my whole career?seeking out information that transformed my business and fortune. That is something I?ve done for others too?provide the missing link and how to?s that helped catapult businesses.
Take a peek inside these sources that helped shape my business and you will find gems to move you forward too. And you won?t have to spend a million dollars to do it.
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