From Rosalina NievesCNN
POSTED: 6:10 pm EDT July 9, 2012
UPDATED: 6:33 pm EDT July 9, 2012
LOS ANGELES (CNN) -- City workers in Southern California discovered a backpack Monday filled with grenades and other explosive devices, a sheriff's spokesman said.The municipal employees came across the backpack in a storm drain in Placentia around 9 a.m. (noon ET), Orange County Sheriff's Department spokesman Jim Amormino told CNN.Police and bomb squad personnel subsequently responded and located six grenades, blasting caps, fuse igniters and some white and black powder, according to Amormino. These were discovered in the backpack as well as buried in dirt nearby.It appears the explosive devices were put in the area intentionally, according to the sheriff's department spokesman, who added that he believes they have been there for some time.FBI agents were on scene Monday afternoon helping sheriff's department members in their investigation as is routine when explosive or suspicious items are found, said Ari Dekofsky, a spokeswoman for the bureau's Los Angeles office.There was no immediate threat to the public's safety, added Dekofsky.By 2:45 p.m., all the explosive devices had been safely detonated, said Amormino.Placentia is a city of about 50,000 people located just north of Anaheim and 30 miles southeast of Los Angeles.Copyright CNN 2012
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